Veteran’s Day Reflection & Photos
I typically don’t think of much on Veteran’s day. Normally it’s just a day where I post a dorky picture on Facebook and click the like button on friends and family’s military photos. This year I spent too much time looking over old photos and decided to share some of them now that they’re no longer on Facebook.
One thing I noticed looking back is that there are a lot of smiles. My time in the military was fun. Sure there were a lot of times where it was less than ideal, but overall it was a good time. The Army gave me quite a few opportunities that I wouldn’t have had, had I not put on the uniform. I mean at one point they gave me the keys to fly a multi-million dollar aircraft. They also paid a huge chunk of change towards my teaching degree which ultimately landed me in my current position. Maybe it’s just because I haven’t been in a uniform in over four years (wow!), but longer I stay away, the fonder my memories grow.
I remember back in 2015 and 2016 (and maybe 2013 and 2014) I couldn’t wait to be done. I wanted nothing more than to hang up my uniform for the last time and never think about it again. When I finally got my wish, it felt great. I was done being part of an organization where I felt I no longer belonged. Over the last few years of my military service, my personal values started to deviate from the organizational goals of the Army as a whole and of those whom I served with. I was ready to be done. I’m glad I left and I don’t regret it one bit, but to say that I don’t miss it a little bit would be a lie.
Happy Veteran’s Day, y’all. Thanks to all the past, present, and future service members out there!
awesome collection of pics!!!