Why did the ghost go into the bar?
For the Boos.
This is the first year both of our ghouls are old enough to go trick-or-treating on their own two feet. Last year was pretty much a bust with the cold rain, and this year is different for obvious reasons. We still managed to make the best of it and Caitlin managed to have a blast.
We started with a 10am PTO-ish parade at her school (that she hasn’t been to since March of last year). A couple of the parents organized an unofficial get together so that the kiddos could meet each other in person. After the parade turned simon says turned free for all, they had a small trunk-or-treat event and Caitlin got her first candy haul of the day. Emily was too shy to get out of the stroller, so even though we had her costume, she did not participate.
Later in the morning we decided we needed a way to safely pass out candy so we turned to Marster. Marster is the name Caitlin gave to our stuffed frog-man. Marster was able to hand out candy and Pirate Booty™ while we tricked-and-treated.
After dinner we ventured out into the neighborhood for a surprising number of houses that passed out candy in a COVID safe manner. Caitlin was definitely in the spirit of halloween and asked to keep going–not something we typically see from our anti-social butterfly. Emily loved the candy, but not the people. She did manage to let out a smile every time a piece of candy made it to her bucket.
I think Halloween is going to be one of Caitlin’s favorite holidays and I’m looking forward to having a normal one next year!